by | Jun 17, 2023 | Mindset
I am absolutely here for the abolishment of hustle culture, and those who talk to me regularly know that I take plenty of down time. But I read something recently that stuck with me, and made me realise that sometimes – being productive is it’s own form of self...
by | Jun 16, 2023 | Mindset
Happy, happy Sunday! Have you had a productive day? Or was it more of an R&R situation? Both are equally as valuable in my opinion (not that you asked but, ya know). We did something today that we haven’t done in a long time, a long ass walk in the Peak District!...
by | Jun 15, 2023 | Mindset
I don’t know if it’s approaching 30, almost getting married or a shift due to emerging from lockdown – but probably over the last 4 months or so I feel like I’ve gradually been making lots of tiny steps, that all add up to some huge changes in me. I’m definitely...
by | Jun 13, 2023 | Mindset
I love my daughter, I really do. I love her so much, like more than words could ever say. But now that I’m used to her being at school 5 days a week, the summer holidays fill me ever so slightly with dread.Firstly, yes I’m very lucky that I work for myself so I’m not...
by | Jun 6, 2023 | Mindset, Uncategorized
I want to tell you a bit of a story here, if you’re like me then having mindset work explained to you is all well and good – but for it to really sink in then you need a practical example. Our dog, Charlie, gives me the perfect, real world, example of every...