

Crisis Management in the Digital Age: Navigating Social Media Challenges

Social media has become an essential part of our daily lives, both personally and professionally. It's a powerful tool that businesses can use to connect with existing and potential customers, improve their brand image, and gain a competitive edge. However, social...

Designing Eye-Catching Newsletters: Best Practices To Follow

Newsletters play a vital role in any business marketing strategy, and their power to inform, engage and convert customers can't be ignored. However, standing out in a crowded inbox can be challenging, especially if your newsletters don't catch the attention of your...

The Power of Storytelling: Creating a Brand Narrative

As a small business owner, storytelling may not seem like a priority when it comes to creating your brand identity. However, a compelling brand narrative can be the key to setting your business apart from competitors and forging a lasting emotional connection with...
What to expect in 2023…

What to expect in 2023…

Happy New Year! 🥳 I hope that you had a wonderful festive period, and are feeling restored and revved up for the year ahead. As I said in my Roundup of 2022 blog post, it’s hard to predict where Social Media will take us in 2023. Anyone who claims to know what to...

How a Walk can bring you closer to your Goals

How a Walk can bring you closer to your Goals

Happy, happy Sunday! Have you had a productive day? Or was it more of an R&R situation? Both are equally as valuable in my opinion (not that you asked but, ya know). We did something today that we haven’t done in a long time, a long ass walk in the Peak District!...

My Story Scheduling

My Story Scheduling

Okay so there are a number of platforms you could use to schedule stories, I’ve tried my fair share and all I’ll say is - as a professional and experienced marketing agency, we use Meta for a reason. The others break and lose connection far more often, they get...

Mistakes You’re Making on Stories

Mistakes You’re Making on Stories

This is a rough transcription/the written version of my Instagram Live, if you want to watch the live in it’s entirety, click here. I’m going to start this by holding my hands up and say, I’ve done ALL of these mistakes myself. That’s what lead to my Story views...

Small Steps, Big Changes

Small Steps, Big Changes

I don’t know if it’s approaching 30, almost getting married or a shift due to emerging from lockdown - but probably over the last 4 months or so I feel like I’ve gradually been making lots of tiny steps, that all add up to some huge changes in me. I’m definitely...

Why Social Media Is Crucial For Small Businesses

Why Social Media Is Crucial For Small Businesses

In today's world, social media has become a crucial part of everyone's lives, and small businesses are no exception. It has completely transformed the way businesses interact with their customers, and has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for them. When it...

Instagram Story Success (#1)

Instagram Story Success (#1)

To watch the full Instagram Live, click here! In case you missed it, I’ve started doing Instagram Lives once a week or so, where I talk through things I'm experiencing on Social Media right now and tips I think could help you. I’ve recently recovered my atrocious...

Your Caption Checklist

Your Caption Checklist

No, I’m not gonna tell you to check your grammar and that you’ve used good hashtags. Hopefully these are a few different pointers to think about before you publish that next post.🙄 Do you want to read it? Honestly, skim over it and ask yourself if this would stop your...

Are you ready to succeed in the school holidays?

Are you ready to succeed in the school holidays?

I love my daughter, I really do. I love her so much, like more than words could ever say. But now that I’m used to her being at school 5 days a week, the summer holidays fill me ever so slightly with dread.Firstly, yes I’m very lucky that I work for myself so I’m not...