

Crisis Management in the Digital Age: Navigating Social Media Challenges

Social media has become an essential part of our daily lives, both personally and professionally. It's a powerful tool that businesses can use to connect with existing and potential customers, improve their brand image, and gain a competitive edge. However, social...

Designing Eye-Catching Newsletters: Best Practices To Follow

Newsletters play a vital role in any business marketing strategy, and their power to inform, engage and convert customers can't be ignored. However, standing out in a crowded inbox can be challenging, especially if your newsletters don't catch the attention of your...

The Power of Storytelling: Creating a Brand Narrative

As a small business owner, storytelling may not seem like a priority when it comes to creating your brand identity. However, a compelling brand narrative can be the key to setting your business apart from competitors and forging a lasting emotional connection with...
Let’s talk Landing Pages

Let’s talk Landing Pages

I've see a lot of talking about Landing Pages on Instagram lately, and as September is prime launch season, that's not surprising. But is it a landing page you need?   A landing page can be used for a number of reasons... The most common of which are; - Data...

The Power of Mindset Work in Achieving Marketing Success

The Power of Mindset Work in Achieving Marketing Success

When it comes to achieving success in marketing, many business owners tend to focus on the latest marketing trends or tricks that will help them boost their sales. However, the secret to achieving long-term success in marketing...

5 Social Media Trends to Watch

5 Social Media Trends to Watch

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, and for small businesses in the UK, it has become a key tool for engaging with customers, building brand awareness, and driving growth. As we head into the latter half of 2021, it's important for small...

Focus on your Followers

Focus on your Followers

I have two schools of thought on this, keep reading to get both! “Posting without engaging is like attending a networking event and standing in the corner…” Yes, it’s important to post consistently and to pay attention to what you’re posting. You know that I love for...

My Essential Social Media Tools

My Essential Social Media Tools

Probably the question I get asked most, is which tools I use for Social Media Management. It’s evolved and changes all of the time, so this will almost certainly be out of date in a year’s time - but I thought I’d list all of the tools I use daily and couldn’t be...

The Importance of Having a Professional Website

The Importance of Having a Professional Website

In today's fast-paced digital age, it is crucial for small businesses to establish an online presence that is both compelling and professional. One of the best ways to achieve this is by having a well-designed website. In this blog post, we will explore the importance...

Why I might unfollow you…

Why I might unfollow you…

Eesch, that sound salty doesn’t it? But in truth, who you follow and what you consume online massively impacts your energy and in some cases, your mood. When handling a business account, more-so than ever it’s important to follow accounts who contribute in some way....

Mistakes you’re making on Social Media

Mistakes you’re making on Social Media

No shade, no judgement, unless you chose to train in Social Media marketing, kudos to you for doing the best you can. But here are the mistakes that I see all of the time, and also how you can rectify them!You’re posting and ghosting. So often I hear and see people...

Repurposing Isn’t a Dirty Word

Repurposing Isn’t a Dirty Word

The best thing about this Blog Post, is that it started life as a Podcast. As you may know, the Podcast left us in December 2022, so I’m genuinely repurposing all of it’s content into Blog Posts for two reasons… So that my wonderfully magnificent nuggets of wisdom...