Website Design & Build

I specialise in building beautiful, bespoke websites for start-ups and small businesses who want a website with an eye-catching design, impeccable functionality and a great user experience… without an eye-watering bill. If you’d like a website that truly reflects you and your business, then I’d love to hear from you.

What do you want from a Website?

It’s really important to me that you adore your website once it’s finished, and the best way for that to happen is that we work together and strike whilst the iron’s hot. I try to facilitate a smooth process for you to communicate with me and send me anything I may need.

Send me 3 websites you love and why, so I can get a feel of what kind of thing you like before I start

A three step approval service is in place to ensure your website is perfect before completion

Websites can be finished in 6 weeks on average, but can be completed sooner depending on client cooperation

Google Drive folders are set up for each page and shared with you to put your text & photos into

Choose how you pay for your website, in full, 50/50 or in smaller installments

All training is bespoke and personalised to your business and it’s needs, I will tailor the information I teach to your goals so that your staff aren’t overloaded with unnecessary information and can focus on what will drive results. 

All Trax Media websites are…

Mobile Optimised

As of recent statistics, over 63% of all website visits come from mobile devices. This means that a majority of your potential audience is accessing your site via smartphones or tablets.

SEO Ready

Your website will be launched fully SEO ready, so that you can continue to improve your rankings yourself – or through my SEO Services.

User Friendly

Your website will be built with your audience in mind. It’s important to remember that they will be your main user, and it has to be attractive and easy for them to navigate.

What to Expect

We’ll chat on Zoom for 20 minutes or so about your business, what you’ve currently got in terms of online representation and what you’d like in an ideal world.

I’m not here to give myself a hard life, so I’ll never overpromise. I can share my screen to show you previous examples of my work and talk through what I’d propose for you.

If I don’t give you a quote on the call, one will be emailed to you ASAP.

Obviously website quotes depend on how many pages you’d like, and what you’d like your website to do – but to give you a rough idea my websites start at £699 for 4 pages. 

Let's Get To Work

Once I’ve received everything I need from you, I’ll get started on your first draft. Often this is just your homepage to ensure I’ve got the general look and feel right before building out the entire website.

You’ll be sent a dummy link to view the website on which will remain the same until launch. 

Please, please send back your honest feedback. I want every client to completely love their website and nobody is ever too picky. 

Next Steps Together

After I’ve received your feedback on the first draft, I’ll make any amendments to the pages you’ve seen and then move on to building out the rest of the website.

I try to minimise the amount of times I’m in and out of your draft to streamline my process, so if I need photos/text from you then I’ll wait to receive this before starting your second draft.

Once your second draft is finished, I’ll let you know and you can go through it with a fine toothcomb before sending back yet more amendments.

We Have LiftOff!

You’ll be sent the dummy link one final time, at which point it should be a simple approval. 

If you have a domain elsewhere, now’s the time to send me the details so we can transfer this and any hosting you may have. If you don’t have a domain then we simply register the one you want.

Some clients want me to manage updating their site moving fowards, some are familiar with WordPress already, some want to know how to update it themselves. Depending which is you, I’ll either remind you of updating costs, create you your own log-in or arrange a zoom call to show you how things work.