Content Club Coaching

If you know how to use social media and you’re comfortable with the presence you have online – but you know that you lack consistency when it comes to posting both with the frequency but also the quality of your posts – then my Content Club is for you!

How My Coaching Works

Through just one hour on zoom, we come up with a Social Media Strategy that’s easy to follow and professionally designed. The benefit? Creating your content becomes so much easiser, as much as of the hard work is done for you already!

Every month we have a 60 minute Zoom call, bring your content calendar and what you’ve got prepared so far.

We ensure that your social media represents the focus for your overall business, and together come up with ideas for any blanks.

Next we make sure that your activity is spread across all platforms and channels available to you.

We check that you have all of the collateral you need to produce your content. I can also help with hooks or CTAs.

I aim to check in with you once a week to ensure you’re on track and not hitting any speedbumps, and I’m also available to you whenever I’m on my phone through Whatsapp or Instagram to help you out.

What to Expect

You will leave each 60 minute call with:

  • Confidence that the ideas you have for your content are good ones
  • Content ideas for every single day of the month that you want to post
  • Hooks, calls to action and visual content plans
  • Structure for your content, including newsletters and blog posts if required

Sound good? Let’s chat!

The Content Club is for you if...

You want to handle your social media yourself, you’re pretty sure you know all you need in order to do it – but time and motivation gets the better of you every month and that to-do list grows ever longer.

We’ll see what your plan for the month is, make sure you content pillars are going to be hit and then it’s up to you to implement it.

It’s not just you telling me your ideas and me cracking the whip, we work together to ensure it’s content your audience will like and that will convert them into customers. Plus we look at every corner you’re on the internet and ensure you’re maximising your potential on every platform and using every feature (that you want to use that is!).

All for £79 per month!