2022 Roundup

Woah, where has that year gone?

At times, 2022 felt as though it was dragging but now it’s December I’m honestly not sure where the year went.

Working in Social Media, you can never predict what you’ll be doing in the next 12 months, the marketing strategies for our clients look very different now to what they did this time last year.

Image sizes has changed, video and reels are number one, messaging has become more casual. But one thing that has remained the same is the importance of staying true to yourself in your marketing. I think maybe this has become even more important to enjoy your marketing. I hope that next year, you take that one step further and stop feeling any pressure to do marketing tasks you don’t enjoy.

What’s happened for Trax Media?

Of course, we had our rebrand! A holiday in the sun brought a wealth of creativity and motivation, and I finally took the plunge and rebranded from Clear Round to Trax, something I wanted to do even when Clear Round was formed but questioned my judgement – no more my friends!

In line with not doing things we don’t enjoy, our product suite has decreased. No this isn’t a negative, we’ve realised that by focusing our energy on tasks we enjoy – we produce better results for our clients and life just feels so much easier. So consultancy, coaching and branding has been dropped from our service roster and instead we have an abundance of Social Media Marketing and SEO clients – yay!

We were lucky enough to win ‘Social Media Agency’ of the year, and I was a finalist in ‘Business Person of the Year’ Award for the Grantham Journal. NOT winning actually focused me on further growth for 2023 – so watch this space!

What else has happened….? A lot of personal growth, a lot of physical growth for Sophie!

I actually managed to restructure my entire way of working, in line with my hormones and natural motivation, creativity and organisation levels. It’s made work so, so much easier and I’m in such flow every single day. It might not work for everyone, but it absolutely works for us and again, means better results for our clients.

Overall, to keep it real – 2022 has been tough. This summer was dark, I don’t know how I made it through some days, sometimes I barely made it out of bed. I’ve had to fall in love with myself, learn to provide security to myself and realise that although I’m the only person I can 100% count on – count on myself I absolutely can.

We’ve taken on some wonderful clients, said goodbye to some more difficult ones and I’m so proud of how this business is evolving.

Roll on 2023!