30 Under 30!

Firstly, I am NOT 30! The Lincolnite did me a dirty there, and I’m actually only 29.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, can I just take a moment to share how proud I am of myself?

If you’d have told me 5 years ago that I’d be named one of Lincolnshire’s 30 under 30, running my own successful business and just generally living the life I do – there is not a cat in hell’s chance I’d have believed you.

I look at photos on my TimeHop and I don’t even recognise myself back then. I can’t quite believe that I let myself feel so small and insignificant for so long. But we go through everything for a reason, and now I’m able to celebrate how far I’ve come.

So, when I was emailed to say I’d been named one of The Lincolnite’s 30 Under 30, I was so completely honoured. To be recognised not really for achieving anything huge, but just plugging away and building a better life for me and my daughter – is exactly what I’m striving for.

I feel as though it’s totally possible for me to achieve anything I want to, super incredible mind-boggling things, but I also feel like it’s not necessary in order to be successful.

I live in the same village I was born in, I had my daughter young with fairly few career prospects and I’ve had my fair share of ‘fresh starts’ which have felt like huge setbacks at the time.

If I can inspire just one person to know that you don’t need to break word records, driving supercars or turn heads to still be considered successful – then I’ll be happy. It’s not that you can’t, it’s just that you don’t have to.

I’m a Mum, I live in a tiny village in Lincolnshire, I have no aspirations to move to L.A, earn millions or stop directly serving my clients. My whole reason for my business is to spend time with Sophie so I will never sacrifice my 9-3 working hours for anything. But does any of that mean I’m not successful? Hell no.

We have a lovely roof over our heads, a wonderful standard of living, I get to be at those school gates every day and I have a wonderful team to help me grow my business.

So here’s to… me! Being named one of Lincolnshire’s 30 under 30, whilst juggling everything else and finding a balance… and not even actually being 30 yet..